A story of “peer pressure “

Peer Pressure — 

“Peer pressure is a powerful force; choose your circle wisely, for they shape the path you walk.”

I learned about peer pressure in a strange way early in my life.

I was in the third grade, and one day in class, my teacher conducted an activity. He wanted to test our perception of time. So, he told us to raise our hand after 1 minute had passed. We were not allowed to look at any watches or clocks, nor were we allowed to count out loud.

In my head, I decided to count 60 seconds as best as I can. One by one, I watched all my classmates raise their hand. I continuing counting in my head. One person raised it at 15 seconds, another raised it at 25 seconds, etc.

By the 48 second mark, every single student had their hand raised except for me. They were all awkwardly looking at me, smiling, like “what are you waiting for? It has been a minute”. I had only counted up to 58 seconds, but the stares and the general thought that “everyone else can’t be wrong” caused me to raise my hand prematurely.

My teacher stopped his watch and told us, it had been exactly 58 seconds. If I had just ignored my classmates, I would’ve gotten it.

For some reason, this moment in my life is always the one I go back to when I’m up against the world. I’m an opinionated guy. My opinions have gotten me in trouble a lot. And sometimes I’m wrong, and I’ve gotta check myself. But at this point, I’d rather be controversial than wrong. Other people’s opinions have no bearing on the truth.

For example, if you went back to a time and place where electricity was not known, and you spoke about lightbulbs and computers, they would think you’re nuts. But it wouldn’t make what you’re saying any less true.

We’re all going to be dead one day, and one of the biggest deathbed regrets of dying patients is not being themselves and not taking risks. At that moment, people realize that life is short, that eternity is forever, and the scorn of others is insignificant. So why not attach your very being to the ethereal and immortal truth? Your loved ones will eat a meal 30 minutes after you’re buried. Your spouse will likely remarry after you’re gone. Everyone you argue with on the internet will move on. So just do what is right. People “mind”, but not that much. It’s not that deep.

— Bilal Muhammad 


