What are the rules for sijdah during salah

What are the rules for sijdah during salah.What should i do in sijdah during salah.During sujood (prostration) in Salah, you should follow these steps to perform it correctly and with humility:

Physical Actions in Sujood

  1. Seven Body Parts Touch the Ground: Ensure the following touch the ground:
    • Forehead and nose (together)
    • Both palms
    • Both knees
    • Toes of both feet (toes should point towards the Qiblah if possible)
  2. Posture:
    • Your forehead and nose should rest firmly on the ground.
    • Keep your fingers close together and point them towards the Qiblah.
    • Your elbows should be raised off the ground and not touch the floor.
    • Keep your abdomen lifted away from your thighs.
  3. Relax and Be Still: Avoid rushing. Sujood is a time of closeness to Allah, so remain in this position calmly and with focus.

What to Say in Sujood

  1. Tasbeeh: Recite at least three times:

    Subhaana Rabbiyal A’laa
    (Glory is to my Lord, the Most High)

    You can say it more than three times in odd numbers (e.g., 5, 7) if praying alone or in non-obligatory prayers.

  2. Supplication (Dua): Sujood is a time when your duas are most likely to be accepted. You can make personal duas in any language, especially in nafl prayers. In obligatory Salah, stick to Arabic.Example supplications:
    • Rabbi ighfir lee (My Lord, forgive me).
    • Any dua from the Sunnah or Quran.

Key Spiritual Points

  1. Humility: Remember that sujood is the most humble position before Allah. Reflect on His greatness and your dependence on Him.
  2. Focus: Avoid distractions and concentrate on your connection with Allah.
  3. Lengthen Sujood: When praying alone, it’s recommended to lengthen your sujood, especially during voluntary prayers.

By performing sujood with sincerity and mindfulness, it becomes a deeply spiritual experience and an opportunity for closeness to Allah.

If you make a mistake during sajdah (prostration) in Salah (prayer), the corrective action depends on the type of mistake. Here’s a general guide:What should i do in sijdah during salah

1. Minor Mistakes

  • If you forget a small sunnah action (e.g., forgetting to say “Subhana Rabbiyal A’la”), it does not invalidate the prayer. You can continue and complete your Salah. If you remember during the same sajdah, you can recite it.

2. Missing a Pillar (Rukn)

  • If you completely skip a pillar of Salah (like a sajdah or ruku’) by mistake:
    • During the prayer: Go back to perform the missed sajdah or action, then continue from there.
    • After the prayer: If the pillar was missed and you realized after completing Salah, you need to repeat that Salah.

3. Performing an Extra Sajdah

  • If you perform an additional sajdah unintentionally, you can compensate with Sujood As-Sahw (prostration of forgetfulness) at the end of the prayer before the Tasleem (saying Salam).

4. Forgetfulness (Doubt or Confusion)

  • If you are unsure whether you performed one or two sajdahs in a rak’ah, go with the lower number (e.g., assume it was one sajdah). Then, complete your prayer and perform Sujood As-Sahw before or after Tasleem.

How to Perform Sujood As-Sahw:

  • Perform two prostrations like a regular sajdah.
  • In each prostration, recite Subhana Rabbiyal A’la (or other regular sajdah dhikr).
  • Conclude with Tasleem if you haven’t already.

If your question relates to a specific type of mistake or situation, please provide more details for tailored advice.