What is Makki Surah in Quran. “Makki” Surah refers to any Surah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) before his migration from Mecca to Medina. The Quran’s 114 Surahs are classified as either Makki or Madani . though there are a few Surahs with verses revealed in both cities. Generally, there are 86 Makki Surahs and 28 Madani Surahs.
Characteristics of Makki Surahs
- Shorter Verses and Poetic Style: Makki Surahs tend to have shorter, rhythmic verses, making them easier to memorize and recite.
- Focus on Tawhid (Oneness of God): Makki Surahs emphasize monotheism, urging people to worship Allah alone and reject idolatry.
- Day of Judgment and Afterlife: They frequently address the concepts of the Hereafter, the Day of Judgment, and the consequences of one’s actions.
- Prophethood and Moral Rectitude: These Surahs emphasize the role of the Prophet, the importance of divine guidance, and encourage moral conduct.
- Appealing to the Conscience: The verses often encourage self-reflection and spiritual awakening, aiming to touch the heart and soul.
Virtues of Makki Surahs
- Strengthening of Faith: it is considered powerful tools for establishing firm belief and trust in Allah. especially in challenging times.
- Guidance and Reflection: They offer deep wisdom, encouraging believers to ponder the purpose of life. the wonders of creation, and the inevitability of accountability.
- Encouragement in Difficult Times: Many of these Surahs were revealed during times of oppression. so they inspire perseverance, patience, and resilience in the face of adversity. its important.
Overview and Themes
Makki Surahs often include references to the struggles of previous prophets and their people, giving historical insights and parables that serve as lessons for humanity. They frequently warn disbelievers about the consequences of rejecting divine guidance and give believers the strength to stay committed to their faith.